Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I Just Want 5 Minutes To Myself

I'm not sure how this happened, but until last night, I haven't had a shower by myself in weeks, maybe months. Don't get excited, nothing juicy is happening- but for some reason everyone is in the bathroom when I am in the shower. They just walk in, asking me all sorts of questions. Urgent ones, of course, like, "what are we doing for dinner?" or "where are my gym shorts?" Even better, they have a visit, like Maddie, who for the last few weeks has been in potty training boot camp, meaning we leave her on her princess potty with a storybook for as long as "it" takes, so long that I may as well grab a quick shower while we are waiting.

Last night, to my absolute delight, I found myself with two sleeping kids and a traveling husband. I forgot how indulgent a bath can be, and how necessary that "me" time is for my own mental health. When better to try out some new products I've been meaning to review? Enter WEN Sweet Almond Cleansing Conditioner. OMG - it's FAB! I had first heard of WEN during my stint as a buyer for QVC, but didn't purchase it until a few weeks ago when I read about it again on style goddess Rachel Zoe's blog: The Zoe Report.

It's life changing. You heard me. Life. Changing. First, you get this great tingly feeling on your scalp, just like at the salon. The formula does not lather up, so you may get a little freaked out, but you definitely feel it working. It smells amazing and best of all is what happens after the shower. Your hair is full, really full and super shinny - all day. My thin Irish hair was Brooke Shields gorgeous in minutes. I don't know how it works, and, frankly, I don't really care. It's filled with natural goodness, no toxins or detergents, but honestly, it could be poison in a bottle and if my hair looked this good, I would still use it.

Listen Mommies, we need to take advantage of any bonus time we may get, so I suggest loading up on some luxurious bath items and stealing 5 minutes to yourself whenever you can. You don't have to spend hours at the spa to look gorge, just a few minutes here and there. A little you time will make you feel like a new woman, or your former pre-mommyhood self.

1 comment:

  1. I have been dying to know how that stuff is!!! I miss traveling husband days sometimes...
